21 February, 2011

Back to the gym....

Due to the craziness that is the first few weeks back at school + my serious slackness (yes slackness) I have had not been to the gym since before we went away at Christmas time. Yes that wet and eventful Christmas at the beach. So last week we finally did it! We went back to the gym on Wednesday and did our weights work out. Then we went to boxercise on Thursday night (which honestly nearly killed me there and then) and then Friday we went to Zumba. We don't do things by halves in my house!!

This week we have done it again. Tuesday night Zumba, Wednesday night weights, Thursday night Boxercise and Friday Zumba!

What a week! The exercise is certainly helping me cope with the stress of school and I'm keen to get my weight heading down again! I'm so incredibly sore, but excited to be back at it again. I'm starting to re-read 'the book' for my fourth time - really it is amazing, I get something different out of it each time.

Looking forward to getting back on track!!

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