This is me, right here, right now. No make-up, jewellery and I haven't styled my hair as I would do on a work day. Saturdays are the day I stay in my pjs for as long as I want (unless I have jobs to do in town).

It was so chilly this morning I had to pull my trusty uggies out of the cupboard. Looked up the temperature and it was only 7 degrees celcius... Winter is on it's way.

Coffee and porridge at the computer, checking blogs. Can't get a handle on the time difference between here and USA where my favourite bloggers live. I spent the day checking in to try and catch their new posts. Eventually googled time conversions and found a great website to help me!

Logged into big picture to check up on when my photography course starts. Thought I should start to get organised, so I printed all the materials currently available to me.

and made a groovy folder up with all the info I need. I'll add to it each week. I even found all the "before photography lessons" photos that I need and copied them into their own folder.

Made a list of photos I want to have printed to try some of the design techniques I'm reading about. Realised it was 10:00 and I would have to move fast to get to the photo shop in time. Couldn't find my usb so had to rush to school first, then copy photos onto the usb..but first I had to iron my clothes and shower..

ironing my new pink duds.

Oooh love my white slip ons with the bling!!

Cranky at the people across the road who CONSTANTLY park their ute right opposite our driveway making it awkward to reverse out. Normally I take it in my stride but today, in my rush, it just made me mad! By the way I got to school and couldn't find my usb so I tipped out my handbag, and yes it had been in there all along!!! aaarghh!!

Made it to the photo shop and back with some beautiful photos. Completed one layout and half of a two page spread. Can't finish it because I left my list at home and forgot to print one of the photos I needed.
The one layout I did finish - my very first attempt at an 8.5 x 11.. wanted to have a crack at it before getting into the creation stage of Week in the life to get a feel for the size. Loving it!!!
So today, or tomorrow, in the USA is national scrapbooking day - which I think is seriously cool. We don't have it, but I'm adopting 1st of May as a national scrapbooking day on behalf of all scrapbookers, and yes once I got home from my frantic dash into town to print photos, I spent the rest of the day happily scrapping in my newly tidied scrapping space!
I don't have an 8.5 x 11 album for week in the life yet, nor do I have the divided page protectors, so it may take some time before my album is ready to show off - I will definately post it here though when it is finished.
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