I had a busy and productive day considering we didn't leave the house at all.

Coffee for me Dandelion tea for Marko.

Marko's didn't look quite right when I poured the milk in, so I had to do the smell test on it.. Outcome: milk was off and I felt sick after sniffing it. Gross.

Cooked bacon and eggs for breakfast (traditionally our Sunday breakfast)

After blog surfing this morning and reading various posts on getting organised, I did exactly that. First I organised photos,

Then I finished organising and tidying my scrapbooking space/office. So very satisfying. Very pleased with myself.

Put on some washing.
What was my dear hubbie doing at this point??

Yes, he was sleeping. Poor darling was all worn out from his fun at the drags yesterday. Not to worry, I had fun reading blogs and tidying without him under my feet. Love you babe!
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